Hunt Gallery

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Saturday, December 25, 2010

San Luis Obispo, Ca. Coalition Skate Shop

This is the first of many new art projects, and happenings in the life of the Hunts.  A few months back Jesse entered the second annual skate board design contest at the Coalition skate shop.  He looked for a unique design and wanted to incorporate some kind of portrait.  He thought a rodeo clown was a good representation for the skater.  A rodeo clown goes out and does his job knowing he will get hurt eventually. Skaters are much the same, they love the art of skating, but in order to learn anything they will be punished, and injured.

Jesse's Note: I have a respect for people who learn in this way.  I think the way I go about art is much the same.  I don't have a lot of formal training but I go out and do it.  I have a confidence in my ability to try new things.  Well I hope you enjoy my design.  For more pictures, go here.

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